Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), ever since its inception in 1988 has been making significant contributions as a technology think tank specializing in Technology Information services, Foresight exercises, Innovation support and Technology demonstration programmes. The underlying motto of TIFAC activities during the past three decades has been to guide and catalyse national initiatives in Science and Technology. The crowning glory of TIFAC is the Technology Vision Exercise being carried out TIFAC as a nation-wide foresight exercise; the first vision document, Technology Vision 2020 was released in 1996 and the sequel Technology Vision 2035 was brought in 2016. In addition, several hundreds of technology assessment and techno-market survey reports, technology roadmaps providing in-depth coverage of technology trends, status of technology in India, gap areas and technology linked based business opportunities. I am glad that the recommendations as included in the documents are being referred to by stakeholders and these documents are considered as referral documents by Government Departments, industry and academia. The journey of TIFAC has been characterized by a mix of technology foresight and innovation support activities, spanning from individual innovator to small and medium scale enterprises to pre-competitive technology development efforts in consortia mode. TIFAC has also played significant role in the imparting training and capacity building of numerous scientists in the area of intellectual property rights and IP Management.

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