16 April 2022: Supercomputers - Harnessing Data, Accelerating Growth (E)

From exploring the solar system, to processing complex numerical modelling data for weather forecasting to running sophisticated space programmes — supercomputers in India and across the world are now an integral part of research and technology. The world is witnessing a massive growth in High performance computing as a strategic tool for science, industry, and society. Supercomputers add to capabilities in research and development (R&D) including developing platforms for genomics and drug discovery, studying environmental issues as well as optimising satellite and telecom networks. Supercomputers impact our lives in ways most of us are unaware of — like checking the weather, Navigating while driving and even managing our bank accounts. The most powerful supercomputers in the top 500 list are Japan’s Supercomputer 'Fugaku’ followed by USA’s ‘Summit and Sierra; Two of India’s supercomputers — PARAM Siddhi-AI and Mihir are also part of this elite list of the world's most powerful supercomputers. But the momentum to leverage these super computers for diverse applications has been put on the fast track. The government of India has initiated the National Supercomputing Mission to install 73 indigenous supercomputers throughout the country by 2022. The National Supercomputing Mission is steered jointly by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and is being implemented by C-DAC and the Indian Institute of Science. So in this episode of Science for a Self-Reliant India, we will take a closer look at some of India’s indigenously developed Supercomputers deployed at various Institutions and understand how these High computing systems work and the impact they have on India’s development.This and much more in this episode of Science for a Self Reliant India, only on India Science.

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